Senin, 12 Maret 2012

RHL DAS Saddang

Dinamika Kelompok Tani pada Kegiatan Rehabilitasi
Hutan dan Lahan DAS Sa’dan (Studi Kasus di  Kecamatan Mengkendek, Kabupaten Toraja )

By: Yumna
Dosen Universitas Andi Djemma Palopo

The research was aimed to  know the dynamics and relation of dynamics element of Group Farmer RHL and see the dynamics comparison between group by using indicator eight element of group dynamics.

Data intake was conducted by doing circumstantial interviewed by using questionnaire, group of farmer selected sample by as much 24, where each lot farmer selected again three people of farmer  respondent and also data obtained to be analysed by dekriptif and quantitative. Dynamics element having an effect on grouping of farmer RHL is target and group structure. For the element of group target, better agriculture farmer group from at forestry, while element of group structure, forestry own the better structure from agriculture. element of Function and group duty, construction and group development, group solidarity, group atmosphere, pressure of grouping, and group effectivity do not show the existence of difference to group dynamics

Keyword : Eigh dynamics element

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